Your one stop shop for monthly Art of Cip drops!

Welcome to the print shop of Los Angeles Based Artist Christopher Willingham

Christopher Willingham A.K.A. Art of CIP is an artist based in Los Angeles County, California. For the past 12 years he has exhibited original paintings, drawings and prints at numerous galleries in the Los Angeles and Orange County area in Southern California, under the signature of “Cip” as well as having exhibited in New York.  His work is a mix of popular culture.   Through the use of cultural and stylistic references to hip hop, animation, comic books, erotica,  science fiction, and pop icons - Christopher has developed a visual language that serves as the perfect subterfuge for subtle social commentary while engaging and entertaining the masses at the same time.  Stop by frequently as new Art will be here every month.  Each week new posts go up on instagram as well - instagram tag: artofcip

thanks for stopping by!
